Career strategy is explained as a set of activities that will help a person achieve his career goals. Accordingly, the person who determines career goals should determine and implement strategies that will help him achieve these goals. Identifying career strategies will motivate the person to realize their career goals.
Examples of career strategies are listed as follows.
– Attending trainings to update their knowledge and skills
– Attending trainings to gain new knowledge and skills
– To follow up-to-date publications related to his work
– Trying to win the favor of top management
– Trying to learn organizational policies
– Requesting feedback on performance
The career strategies in question will differ from person to person according to the determined career goals. For example, if a person wants to rise to the position of finance manager, he can choose to take part in projects, gain new knowledge and skills, and try to win the favor of senior management as career strategies that will help him achieve this goal. Career discovery plays an important role in determining career strategies as well as determining career goals. In addition, as emphasized in the individual career management process, individual career management expresses a dynamic and open process to changes. For this reason, people need to be aware of their constantly changing demands and expectations, to search for opportunities around them, and to review their career goals and strategies that will help them reach these goals.
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