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  • October 18, 2024
  • Last Update May 7, 2023 10:40 am
  • Hannover


This chapter will assume you’re employed by a medium to large company, although the principles still apply if you’re employed for a awfully small company or hold what you look on an interim job. you will be starting your career otherwise you is also well into your career. the identical principles apply. If you’re at the beginning of your career, you will lack experience but you continue to have knowledge and talent. you’ll be attempting to find a new job within your company or elsewhere.

First, ask yourself certain fundamental questions, the answers to which will indicate what sort of job you would like. You don’t must answer yes or no. Your answer is also “some of every,” within which case define the amounts of every. The questions haven’t any right or wrong answers.

  1. does one like working indoors or outdoors?
  2. does one like interacting with others or working in isolation?
  3. does one need credit (recognition, accolades, etc.) for doing a good job?
  4. does one need your credit for an honest job to be seen by others?
  5. does one want to travel or not travel within the course of your work?
  6. does one want to work out the results of your work applied or are you content to contribute alittle part to an outsized project which will not reveal your efforts?
  7. does one want to manage people or just work alone?
  8. does one want to manage projects or just perform assignments?
  9. does one want to figure on single or multiple projects?
  10. does one want to handle audiences or be a member of an audience?

These questions are intended to assist you specialize in what you wish and find a grip that matches your needs. People sometimes start down one career path so change direction because a brand new opportunity appears. Restlessness may set in because you’re so busy together with your career you haven’t had time to think about whether your present job is still really what you wish. That’s when to pause and ask yourself if you are satisfied. you’ll work for an honest company and have a decent boss but not necessarily be doing what you would like. Your interests may change and trigger a desire to alter career paths. you will attempt to teach instead of add industry or contrariwise. Maybe you wish to start your own business after a career in industry. you’ll have any number of reasons to depart your present position and do something else within or outside your company.

Your General Plan

Every career needs an inspiration. If you don’t know where you’re going, how will you recognize if you arrived? The answers to the ten questions above should indicate what you wish from employment. the following step is to seem at where you wish to be in 3, 5, or 10 years.

When you try this, you’ll then determine the way to get there. Once you know where you’re going, you’ll draw your map. At this time in our discussion you’ll determine a sequence of events like (using a laboratory as an example):

  • I want to be the vice chairman (VP) of internal control (QC).
  • i’m currently an analyst and have an honest record of conducting routine analyses.
  • i need to develop new analytical methods as soon as possible.
  • I commit to be promoted to section leader and supervise three other chemists within four years.
  • i would like to be the director of the laboratory within four years after that.
  • i would like to be promoted to VP of QC after three to 5 years of doing a awfully good job of directing the laboratory.

Certainly plenty of changes can occur in an exceedingly company within a 10- to 12-year span. Laboratories are often consolidated, the corporate can relocate, or it’s going to be acquired by another company. it’s possible that somebody not even employed by your company are often hired because the VP of QC while you’re climbing the ladder. None of those potential events should prevent you from constructing your plan. Plans are made to be reviewed and modified along the trail to completion.

You buy a ticket to a baseball or football in an open stadium weeks prior to of the sport, knowing it should rain on the day of the game. you propose a vacation before, not knowing if some unforeseen event may disrupt your plan and derail your vacation. We all make plans supported current conditions and best guesses about possible obstacles. you want to believe your ability to surmount any obstacles in your path or change your path and still find satisfaction in your life and your career. you’ll must modify your plan, but that isn’t a sound reason to not plan. Planning is crucial. Executives don’t reach those levels in companies simply because they happen to work there. that they had plans and pursued alternatives when the first plans didn’t determine and therefore the end results may are better than planned.

Your Strategic Plan

We will now repeat the five fundamental steps of coming up with that also apply to your career:

  • Decide where you wish to travel.
  • Determine what’s required to induce there.
  • Make the choice.
  • Implement the choice.
  • Monitor feedback.

This is an appropriate point to review the WOTS UP (weaknesses, opportunities, threats, and strengths underlying planning). the purpose here is that the identical strategic planning process employed by companies will be applied to your own career goals. Use the principles shown to construct your own strategic plan, review it periodically, and modify it to accommodate changes that have occurred.

Meet New People

Meeting new people at work ends up in knowing more about the corporate and having more people know who you’re. rather than visiting lunch with the identical group on a daily basis, resolve to own lunch with a replacement person you wish to understand. If you are doing that each period, you will meet 25 new people during a year. Invite the person to lunch some days in advance. You won’t meet new people and find out about other operations if you lunch with the identical people daily.

If you’re in an exceedingly company of 30,000 employees and you’re in a very new entry level position, don’t attempt to have lunch with the CEO immediately.

Have lunch with peers in other areas or employees one level higher. If you’re a laboratory analyst, seek for a piece supervisor, salesperson, or securities analyst.

The reason for meeting at lunch is because it doesn’t interfere with your work or anyone else’s. Ask to satisfy at lunch personally or by phone, not by e-mail. Simply say you heard of the person and wish to learn about his work. after you have lunch, ask the person how he reached his current position; as an example, “What made you choose marketing as a profession?” or “You manage a bunch. What exactly are your responsibilities?” hear the solution. Don’t interrupt.

And don’t speak about yourself unless you’re asked an issue.

If you hear this person, you may learn and also give the gift of listening that 90% or more of the people they interact with daily do not give them. Listening works wonders.


You can find out about people by watching them—not viewing them. If you are watching someone at a high level make a presentation, watch him or her carefully. That person will dress appropriately, look confident, be prepared with notes and visual aids, and be able to respond to questions. hear the delivery of the presentation, both for content and the kind of delivery. Yogi Berra, a Hall of Fame baseball player, in Berra’s Law, wrote “You can observe lots just by watching.”

Berra played for the big apple Yankees as a catcher, then managed the Yankees and later the big apple Mets. take a look at people you would like to emulate and learn from them. study those who you would like to be like and do what they are doing. examine those that you don’t want to be like and don’t do what they are doing.


Be sure that you simply have a decent boss. If you are doing not respect the person to whom you report, transfer elsewhere where you are doing have an honest boss. the following step is to attain visibility. Let’s continue with our example of a laboratory analyst.

If you’re an analyst, you’ll be able to build an honest record conducting analyses and you may have enjoyment and satisfaction at the identical time.

As your career progresses, however, it’s helpful to be visible to others inside and outdoors the corporate. a method to accomplish this is often to write down a journal article, make a presentation at an expert meeting, or do both—present a broadcast article you wrote at an expert meeting, with the blessings of your company and your boss, of course.

Another way to attain visibility is to accompany a salesman on a customer visit. you will get a chance to help a customer with a technical problem. Sales productivity is measured directly by the sales generated. Salespersons are very visible and your assistance will be noted by people inside and outdoors your company.

Assisting manufacturing by designing new test procedures to ensure product quality will establish a decent relationship therewith area. Writing in-house reports and making presentations are other good ways to be noticed.

Job Descriptions

Human resources operations of huge companies maintain written descriptions for each job, from executives to production workers.

Job descriptions in small companies might not be as structured, but they will exist. after you were hired you were fitted into a specific job description. the task description could be a reference for measuring your work. Your human resources department or supervisor can provide you with a replica. Sometimes employees want to review their job descriptions to determine whether or not they do more work than assigned in an attempt to hunt more pay. That doesn’t reassess well because bosses expect to be trusted. after you request your verbal description, say that you want it to be told more about what’s expected of you.

Job description formats follow a general theme in both large and small companies. they sometimes cover:

  • Position
  • Title
  • Department or Division
  • Reports to (title of supervisor)
  • Responsibilities (what is expected)
  • Qualifications (education, work experience, and knowledge required; may include willingness to travel and proven leadership ability)

Optional categories like working conditions is also included for specific jobs. the first areas of concern for career planning are responsibilities and qualifications.

In discussions together with your boss about your future, he may say, “I think you should move upward but I don’t have employment description for the position.”

Be aware that he can work with human resources to develop one.

If you recognize how your company’s job descriptions are written, prepare one and provides a replica to your boss. Simply say, “I know you’re busy, but since you agree that i’m qualified to maneuver up and don’t have the time to write a replacement description, i’ve got written it for you. Add, delete, or modify as you see fit, of course. If you have got changes, I’ll incorporate them for you.” If you would like to pursue a higher job in your area, make certain that you have already taken on the responsibilities of the duty. the simplest thanks to show that you just can handle a better position is to be already doing it.


Life is stuffed with systems. Learn the systems you would like to succeed. Do not fight the systems because they’re designed to permit for the flow of knowledge, work, products, and employees from one area to a different.

Every company constitutes an oversized system containing several smaller systems. The hiring process is an example of a system. the method of scheduling employees to start out and finish work could be a system. Each industry has its own set of systems; companies may follow them and add their own as needed. Governments have systems; so do households.

For the foremost part, you’re employed within established systems that ensure that operations run efficiently. Changes are made when a system no longer functions effectively or when new technology can make it run better. you’ll be charged with inventing a brand new system or modifying an existing one, so learn to figure within systems. The executives at the top learned to figure within the company’s systems. Mastering systems is a necessary step toward the highest.


You will be interviewed over and over in your career—when seeking your first job, when applying for a promotion, and when trying to find a job at another company. Keep some small print in mind:

  1. Before an interview with a prospective employer, find out about the company, its products, and its philosophies by obtaining a copy of its annual report. Most annual reports of public companies are now available through their websites. Review the chairman’s statement. This states the first philosophies of the corporate. After that, get acquainted with the products and in what areas the corporate wants to expand.
  2. Be prepared to mention how you’ll be able to contribute to the company’s success. Don’t ask what the corporate must offer. the corporate wants to grasp how you’ll help it achieve the goals stated in its annual report. Never drop names of individuals you know within the company. The name you drop may belong to a person who is also on the reply and this might ruin your chances.
  3. Practice interviewing with a relative or friend. this can prepare you to answer questions clearly and concisely. Reverse the process and interview your relative or friend. This enlightening exercise will enable you to work out true from the corporate view. Try it the subsequent time you anticipate an interview.

What if a possible employer isn’t a publicly traded company and does not publish an annual report? you’ll acquire much information through PR and advertising materials, with the exception of financial statements.

Other Considerations

Career planning involves other considerations like working for a large or small company, relocating or staying within the same location, seeking promotion, or leaving an organization. Here are some points to

consider associated with advantages and disadvantages:

Working for an oversized or small company—In alittle company you are known to the management and should have varied duties. Your career can grow with the corporate. you’ll accomplish top management if the company prospers. However, if the corporate falters or is sold, you may end up starting over. If you’re with a replacement, small company and one amongst the 2 undesired events mentioned above occurs, it will occur after only a pair of years and you may not have invested half of your career there. during a large company, the trail to the highest is longer but the rewards are greater.

Relocating or remaining at one location—Generally, geographic moves are related to promotions and rapid advancement in a large company. they sometimes involve increased responsibilities and salary. On the opposite hand, remaining at one location allows you and your family to be established in a very community, and you’ll still pursue promotions that may end in a satisfying career.

Stay with one company or change companies—Remaining with one company will yield an honest pension and interesting work. However, even old established companies are often sold and result in management changes. Changing companies generally ends up in promotion but may require relocation.

Final Words

If you have got learned some career moving options presented above and you apply a number of them to vary a career that wasn’t moving as fast as you planned, as they materialize you will desire you had been driving with the emergency on. after you realize the rationale that the car— or your career—was not moving as fast as you wanted it to, and then you release the brake, you’ll have an exquisite feeling that you will get to your next career destination faster.


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